
5 Benefits of Specialist Home Care for Dementia Patients

Image showing the mind as a puzzle with pieces missing representing Dementia

There are many recognised benefits of specialist home care for dementia patients. As confusion often plays a large part in any dementia journey, keeping your loved one in the comfort and familiarity of their own home for as long as possible can help alleviate frustration and anxiety for both family members and the patient. Below, we highlight five benefits of specialist home care for those living with dementia.

1. A Familiar and Comfortable Environment

As we’ve already mentioned, keeping your loved one in their own home environment can enhance their overall well- being as well as being able to engage in activities that are meaningful and enjoyable to them. The consistency of a safe environment can also help maintain a senses of independence and stability. When remaining in your own home the familiar smells, sights and noises will create the comforting feeling and help reduce anxiety, which is common in dementia patients.

2. Personalised Care Tailored to Individual Needs

Each care plan for each individual service user is completely unique for their own specific personal needs and condition. We have carers that are trained specifically in caring for dementia patients and will care for your loved one in confidence. The care plan will be personalised to understand the challenges and behaviours associated with dementia.

3. Improved Quality of Life

With specialist home care, the individual with dementia can engage in activities that are meaningful like previously mentioned. The caregiver can implement therapeutic activities like music therapy, memory exercises and gentle physical activities that are designed to stimulate cognitive function and improve mood.

Another way specialist home care can improve the quality of life of someone living with dementia is if there is garden space in the individual’s home. Enjoying fresh air and spending time outside contributes to improving quality of life, as garden space is a safe and familiar environment to enjoy the goodness of the outside breeze.

4. Facilitating Social Connections

With dementia comes the issue of isolating and the feeling of loneliness, however specialist caregivers can help prevent this feeling and help maintain social connections as well as encouraging them.

This could be done by encouraging visits from family and friends or joining in with activity groups for dementia patients in the local community, you can look what activities are available near you, that are ran by Alzheimer’s Society by visiting the link.

Another way of maintaining social connections is by using technology to connect with loved ones, by utilising features such as video calls to keep that  face to face communication taking place when family members are unable to visit. This helps prevent the feeling of loneliness and benefits the individual’s mental health.

5. Regular Monitoring and Early Detection of Changes

Specialist caregivers are vigilant in monitoring the health and behavioural changes with dementia. They are able to quickly detect these changes whether this be signs of mental health declining and indicating early signs of depression.

They also would be able to pick up on signs of physical decline for instance balance problems, infections or pressure ulcers. Carers are able to take appropriate action when detecting these problems, and early detection allows for timely intervention, potentially preventing complications.

These are just a few benefits to bear in mind when weighing up a care plan for your loved one, and considering the services we offer that would benefit your family. You can call the office on 01623 810 100 to find out more or visit our Home Care Services page to read more about what we offer.
