
Priority Services Register – Are You on The List?

Older lady wrapping up warm in a blanket - Priority Services Register information

As the UK’s climate becomes even more unpredictable with the recent examples of flooding, snow and high winds, it’s vital to ensure you can access the support you need in an emergency.

What is the Priority Services Register?

The UK’s Priority Services Register (PSR) is a free service provided by energy, water, and communication companies. It is designed to help vulnerable people who may need extra support during power cuts, supply interruptions, and other emergencies.

Service Users who are eligible for the Priority Services Register can access additional support services tailored to their specific needs.

This may include advance notice of planned service interruptions, access to alternative heating and cooking facilities, or alternative communication methods in the event of a disruption to their regular service.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the PSR, a Service User must meet one or more of the criteria set by the participating companies. This may include being of pensionable age, having a disability or chronic illness, or having young children in the household. Each company may have its own criteria, so it is important to check with each one individually if you use multiple suppliers.

To sign up for the Priority Services Register, customers should contact their energy, water, or communication provider to find out more about the services available in their area.

Energy Companies

If you know which energy company you are with, you can apply to be added to their register using the links below:


British Gas

EDF Energy

Scottish Power

E.On Next

OVO Energy

Water Companies

The following companies predominately cover the water services in the East Midlands, particularly Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire:

Severn Trent Water

South Staffs Water

Other Sources of info

The National Grid also offers a centralised Priority Services Register, working closely with partners such as the British Red Cross and the fire service to highlight and reduce potential risks at home.


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